Water Department - Contact Information
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Office Hours
Office Hours: Monday: 9am-8pm Tuesday-Thursday: 9am-5pm | CLOSED on Fridays and the following Holidays:
○ New Years Eve ○ New Years Day ○ Memorial Day
○ Independence Day ○ Labor Day ○ Thanksgiving Day
○ Day After Thanksgiving ○ Christmas Eve ○ Christmas Day
○ Martin Luther King Jr. Day
About The Water Department
The City Water Clerk is responsible for utility billing operations. The Water Clerk will also assist the public with utility billing questions and any other questions.
Water bills are sent out on the 9th of every month unless the 9th falls on a weekend/holiday the bills will be sent out the previous business day. The Water Clerk prepares utility bills (water/sewer/waste bills) by printing them as required and ensuring they are sent out via the postal service/email. Water meters are read monthly around the 25th of every month. Please make sure that water meters have a clear area around them in case of repairs.
Utility bills are due monthly by the 25th of each month unless the 25th falls on a weekend/holiday then bills will be due the following business day. Failure to remit payment by the due date will result in a 10 percent late fee.
The Water Clerk will also assist the City Treasurer and City Clerk with administering day to day operations within the City. This includes working the front counter, assisting with payroll processing, assisting with bank deposits, and balancing of cash drawers.
The City offers full service water and sewer utilities to our residents. If you have any comments, questions or concerns regarding water and sewer billing, usage, metering or infrastructure, please contact City Hall.
The department follows up with delinquent collections and assists those customers when possible to make arrangements for payment, handles shut off notices, and maintains the database to record all transactions and meter readings.
Water Affidavit
The City does offer a program for homeowners renting their property. As part of the program, the renter must submit a deposit (Contact City Offices for deposit amount), a copy of their lease (must state renter is responsible for utilities) and the renter and owner must fill out a Water Affidavit.
You must turn in all three things before tenant moves in or within three days of move in. This program protects the homeowner from a lien on their property due to unpaid water/sewer bills by renters. The deposit is applied to the final bill when the renter moves out. Please contact City Hall for more information.

≈Click on the Water Affidavit button for the form≈
Water Rates
Rates in City
Water Sewer
• Base Residential/Commercial: $17.54 • Base Residential/Commercial: $11.89
• Water Consumption per 100 CF: $8.90 • Sewer Consumption per 100 CF: $4.28
• Non-Payment Fee: $40.00 • Sewer only Customer: $24.74
Rates out of City
Water Sewer
• Out of City Base: $26.31 • Out of City Base: $17.84
• Out of City per 100 CF: $13.35 • Out of City per 100 CF: $6.42
• Non-Payment Fee: $40.00 • Sewer only Customers: $37.11
Acceptable Payments
Please note that if you receive a shut-off notice the balance has to be paid on or before the due date to prevent water turn off. Payment must be made in the office, online or drop box by midnight of the due date. If water is disconnected the delinquent balance plus a $40.00 non-payment fee has to be paid in full to restore water services.
There is also a drop box in the parking lot for utility bill payments that is available 24 hours a day. Please keep in mind that two days out of every month the drop-box is locked do to City business. Check or money order only! Do not put cash in the drop-box.