Waste Management Pamphlet
The City of Mt Morris, in conjunction with Waste Management, is pleased to announce an expanded solid waste and recycling collection program for the City Residents which includes a cart for each City residence for the containment of their solid waste
2025 Trash/Recycling/Yard Waste Pickup Schedule.
How will this system work?
Waste Management will provide each household with one (1) 96-gallon curb carts that has the capacity of (3) 32-gallon trash cans each. On your collection day, simply place your Cart at the curb with the handle facing your house. Make sure you have a minimum distance of three feet from other objects such as mailboxes, parked cars, and even your other curb carts. Waste Management’s new automated collection truck will then pick up the Cart, empty it, and return it to its original location. It's that simple!
Solid Waste Collection
Your new Curb Cart should be placed at the curb NO LATER than 6:00 AM on your collection day. Generate more than the contents of one cart? Need another cart? Call Waste Management Customer Service for details. (866-797-9018)
Recycling Collection
Your recycle bin should be placed at the curb NO LATER than 6:00 A.M. on your collection day. Recycling will remain on an every other week basis. Please refer to the Acceptable Material Guidelines included with the information packet to find out what can now be recycled. Generate more than the contents of one bin? Need another bin? Please call Waste Management to order additional bins.
Yard Waste
Yard waste will be collected on an every week basis, starting in April through November. Please click on the "RECYCLE/YARD WASTE CALENDAR". All yard waste must be placed in biodegradable Kraft paper bags or placed in 20 to 32 gallon cans, clearly marked as yard waste. Positively no plastic bags will be accepted. Branches and twigs smaller than 6" in diameter must be placed in bundles no larger than 3' by 4' long or 50 pounds per bag or bundle. Positively no tree trunks, stumps, construction or demolition debris will be accepted.
Cart Care
With the right care your new Cart will last for many years without needing maintenance. Please use trash bags to contain your waste inside the Cart. This will reduce the need for periodic cleanings. Your Cart has smooth surfaces that allow it to be easily cleaned with a regular garden hose and dishwashing soap. Do not place hot ashes, construction debris, and/or hazardous waste in the Cart. Please do not paint or write on the Cart. Each Cart is labeled with a serial number. Residents should take note of the serial number of their specific Cart. If it is lost or stolen, please provide this number to the police then provide a copy of the police report to Waste Management.
Call Waste Management 1-866-797-9018.
If you move, do not take the cart with you. The cart has been assigned to the property address along with the serial number and should be available for the next occupant/owner of the household.
Prohibited Items
Items prohibited are: large quantities. Of dirt, sod or rock, hazardous waste of any kind, liquids of any kind including paint, flammable materials such as oil, or gas, concrete, hot ashes; yard waste of any kind, large amounts of remodeling or demolition materials, whole tires or any other material to be determined as prohibited by State Statute.
When a holiday falls on a weekday, there will be no collections on that day, and the rest of that week's refuse, recycling and yard waste collection will be one day later than usual Holidays observed:
New Year’s, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day
Bulky Item Collection
One (1) large item may be placed curbside each week for collection. Bulky Items shall be bundled in parcels not to exceed two (2) foot by four (4) feet in length and/or fifty. (50) Pounds in weight. We respectfully request that you call Waste Management's offices at least 24 hours in advance so that the appropriate equipment can be dispatched.
Inclement Weather
In the event that Waste Management is unable to provide service due to inclement weather, collection will take place the next day following the scheduled collection day, or as soon as weather conditions allow. The City will immediately be notified should service be interrupted due to bad weather conditions. Please feel free to contact Waste Management if you have any questions regarding service during inclement weather.